Email Marketing Adelaide

Email Marketing Agency Adelaide

Email Marketing should be like word of mouth.

Email marketing still generates ROI as a Digital Marketing Strategy.

There are dozens of email service providers and Internet marketing tools available to help businesses leverage the medium, with Mail Chimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor among the most highly used.

Add to that the swathe of marketing automation platforms that offer email marketing services and you’re looking at quite a complex landscape.

84% of Adelaide Digital Marketing Agencies think email is important or critically important for loyalty.

Similarly high percentages show how important email is for sales, retaining customers, and lead generation.

But all is not rosy in the email marketing garden; only 50% of Digital Marketing Agencies think their needs are effectively met by current providers such as Mail Chimp etc. Worse still, some email marketers aren’t using these tools effectively, despite their importance.

The single most surprising insight is how bad end users are at capturing data and applying it to decision making. i.e. Adelaide businesses need to capture as many email addresses as possible and then decide how best to use them together with their Internet Marketing consultant.

32% of Adelaide businesses don’t know on which devices their customers are opening emails. 29% aren’t even tracking revenue through emails. And that is a huge problem — one that sits at odds with the importance of email marketing.

There’s a big difference between managing an email channel and being really successful with it.

But because the results of email marketing are so good across the board, it seems that users are happy with their lot, not aware that they could be doing so much better.

For whatever reason, email is just a medium so tightly integrated with our daily lives.

Behaviourally, we’re just more likely to open an email with a deal, we might find useful than we are to click a banner ad. This naturally lends the channel to being more successful than others from a digital marketing perspective, even if you’re not operating it at optimal levels.

The ease with which email marketing tools can be operated might also be contributing to the problem.

The day-to-day mechanics of email being relegated to a relatively junior role in the organisation is a huge mistake. To be great at email, you need deep left brain and right brain thought process; content and data talent. Or you need those organisational competencies along with fantastically nimble knowledge sharing. Both of those situations tend to be rare birds.

It comes down to understanding consumer behaviour and how rapidly that changes within the context of mobile devices. Just a couple of years ago, global email opens on mobile devices was tracking around 30% Today, it’s over 50%. That’s a huge paradigm shift for both vendors and buyers. Email is the ultimate test and learn platform.

So what of the future?

Your Adelaide business should be investing in personalised messaging in the next 12 months. This is the most forward-thinking digital marketing strategy in which to back away from the current “email marketing” fundamentals and head towards  “customer messaging.”

Customer Messaging is internet marketing speak, but there’s important subtlety there. Customer messaging can be push notifications or personalised chats, or messages through another application along with email. Those messages can be sent based on the activities of your application, whether that’s a website, mobile app, or landing page.

Your business should be using these platforms to help service customer needs quicker than you’re your competitors that will lead to more sales and profit.

If you’d like more Email marketing tips…Do not hesitate to contact us today via email  or call us on 1300 66 76 96 to find out how we can grow your business!