Adelaide Social Media Marketing strategies and Facebook.
To market your Adelaide business successfully on Facebook, you need to understand Facebook’s unique Social Media Marketing opportunities.
Social Media Marketing on Facebook differs so much from traditional advertising. Just as you wouldn’t run a radio ad on television, you shouldn’t market on Facebook the way you’d market in a magazine or on your website.
Don’t use Facebook for the ‘hard sell’
People regard Facebook as a fun social space where they chat to friends, check out photos and videos, and relax. You need to join conversations and become part of a community, rather than being a business ‘outsider’ who tries to sell aggressively with their Adelaide online advertising.
Hard-sell tactics – such as using traditional advertising agency slogans, posting repeatedly about a particular product or service, or providing lists of products and prices in isolation from any related conversation – will result in other users ‘unfollowing’ you. They may even post negative comments about your Adelaide business.
Social Media Marketing Strategies
It’s important to have clear Facebook marketing strategies, and a strategy to achieve your business goals. For example, we might decide that its goal is to increase sales generated by Facebook by 10% in the next 3months. Setting a goal and have social media marketing strategies gives you direction for your Adelaide Facebook marketing and a way to measure your online advertising success.
Create a human voice for your business
Facebook users like to talk to other people – not to an impersonal Adelaide business. Whoever manages your Facebook page must be able to write in a voice that sounds real and likeable, using a style that suits your business. They also need permission to express things in their own words, not in the company’s jargon or your ‘official internet advertising line’.
Post regularly
Unlike traditional Adelaide advertising agencies who use media (such as magazines, radio or television), or other Adelaide internet advertising media (such as web pages, SEO), social media marketing is built around frequent updates.
Statistics show that around 40% of all Facebook users check their page at least once a day, and they like to see that you are regularly posting new material. Some guides recommend posting at least once a day, but the core principles are to post when you have interesting online content, and to judge how often your audience wants to hear from you.
Encourage comments and reply quickly
Encourage other Facebook users to respond to your posts or to post their own comments about your business or a topic that’s of interest to them and you. When they do post, respond quickly – within 24 hours is best. Failing to respond will weaken your Facebook friends’ willingness to engage with you, and they will gradually drift away. Like any Adelaide Online Advertising you need to be attentive to it.
Use pictures and videos
Pictures and videos are a major element of Facebook’s appeal. Use them frequently to keep your friends engaged and entertained. Get interactive with offers, contests, games, surveys, etc. People like it when Facebook is fun, and when it delivers something that they can’t get any other way.
Social Media Marketing research shows that discounts and giveaways are the most popular reason for a customer to follow a business’s Facebook page. Likewise, contests and games can be used to liven up your page. Facebook can also be used to distribute customer surveys. If you do this, make sure that you keep surveys short, and provide a survey link that users can easily click, ignore or share with their friends
Nurture your relationships
It takes time to build good relationships with other Facebook users, so be patient with your Adelaide social media marketing. Engage sincerely in conversations, provide useful content, and develop rewards for loyal customers to help foster positive relationships. Internet Advertising can grow your business if you do it right.
Use Facebook Insights to learn more about your customers
Facebook Insights can tell you more about the people who choose to like your page. Once you know your Facebook friends’ characteristics, you can tailor your Adelaide Internet Advertising and posts offers to meet their needs and interests.
Above all else your Adelaide Social Media Marketing should be fun!
If you’d like to know more about Social Media Marketing…do not hesitate to contact us today via email info@searchinternet.com.au or call us on 1300 66 76 96 to find out how we can grow your business!